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Playwright: Locator vs ElementHandle

  In Playwright, both Locator and ElementHandle are important concepts used for interacting with elements on a web page, but they serve slightly different purposes. Locator : A Locator in Playwright is a way to find and interact with elements on a web page. It represents a selector that can be used to locate one or multiple elements. Once you have a Locator object, you can use it to perform actions like clicking, filling input fields, or getting the text of the element. Locators are typically used in Playwright’s page object model for cleaner and more maintainable tests. When you perform actions using a Locator, Playwright automatically waits for the element to be present in the DOM before interacting with it. This helps in handling asynchronous content loading. Example : ElementHandle : An ElementHandle in Playwright represents a handle to a DOM element on a web page. It is a reference to the actual element and provides methods to interact with the element, such as clicking, typing, o