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Showing posts from October, 2023

Online Gherkin Editor

IDEs such as Eclipse, IntelliJ, VS Code, and similar IDEs, are ideal for SDETs but not for POs and BA Amigos who want to contribute. There are a few tools available like , etc. that provide Gherkin editors as well as a slew of other useful capabilities, but they are paid. If you are looking for something that is free, simple to use, and accessible to everyone, you can use: The editor provides example scenarios for you to reference when you initially load the page. You can enter your own content into the text area, and the editor will highlight it. If you wish, you can even change the language via a dropdown menu.

What is the Pyramid of Test Automation?

  The Test Automation Pyramid is a framework and guiding principle, for organizing and structuring software testing efforts in terms of automation. It visually represents the types of tests that should be included in a test suite with the detailed tests at the bottom and broader tests at the top. According to the Test Automation Pyramid, a successful approach to test automation should be built upon three layers or levels of tests each serving a purpose and providing feedback; Unit Tests: These are the most detailed types of tests and should be automated for each individual section of code in the application. They are quick to execute and focus on testing units. Typically created and executed by developers, they aim to identify defects in the development process. Unit tests provide feedback. Help ensure that individual code units function correctly. Service Tests : These tests primarily focus on interactions and integration between various components or services within your application.