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Showing posts with the label ExpectedConditions

ExpectedConditions in Selenium

How do you usually check that a page is displayed in selenium or not? Most of us would check that the Page Title and the URL is correct: String expUrl = “ ”; String expTitle = “My Testing Stories”; WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 15); wait.until(ExpectedConditions.titleIs(expTitle)); wait.until(ExpectedConditions.urlToBe(expUrl)); First-line here will validate the title check, next one for the URL. But, using the ExpectedConditions class which allows combining the 2 lines we can do it more cleaner: wait.until(ExpectedConditions.and(ExpectedConditions.urlToBe(expUrl),ExpectedConditions.titleIs(expTitle))); //ExpectedConditions.and() waits until multiple conditions are true. Not only and() but we also we have or() and not() for ExpectedConditions. -- wait.until(ExpectedConditions.or(ExpectedConditions.urlToBe(expUrl),ExpectedConditions.titleIs(expTitle))); //waits until at