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Showing posts with the label automationTest

Playwright: Locator vs ElementHandle

  In Playwright, both Locator and ElementHandle are important concepts used for interacting with elements on a web page, but they serve slightly different purposes. Locator : A Locator in Playwright is a way to find and interact with elements on a web page. It represents a selector that can be used to locate one or multiple elements. Once you have a Locator object, you can use it to perform actions like clicking, filling input fields, or getting the text of the element. Locators are typically used in Playwright’s page object model for cleaner and more maintainable tests. When you perform actions using a Locator, Playwright automatically waits for the element to be present in the DOM before interacting with it. This helps in handling asynchronous content loading. Example : ElementHandle : An ElementHandle in Playwright represents a handle to a DOM element on a web page. It is a reference to the actual element and provides methods to interact with the element, such as clicking, typing, o

Code-based versus Low-Code/No-Code test automation solutions: Which one to Choose?

In today's world, where new automation test solutions are being released monthly, enterprises are looking for ways to expand and accelerate their software delivery processes. The key to success is choosing the right solution that balances your team’s skill sets and expertise and simultaneously meets your organization’s objectives. This blog details out the pros and cons of code-based vs. low-code/no-code test automation solutions. Author: Dheeraj Gambhir Blog Link Enjoyed reading this article? Please share the knowledge with your friends and colleagues.

Best place to add code for taking Screenshots with Selenium and Java

  If your UI automation code takes screenshot on failure in test method or page method, then it’s not good. We should handle that using a listener Or have a base class containing AfterMethod annotation that captures screenshots on failure. Use lateral approach (i.e. base class with afterMethod) if you aren’t using listeners in your framework. Go through this well explained article by Alex Siminiuc for more details:

AWS Signature with RestAssured

  AWS Signature authentication support is not something that is available in RestAssured as out-of-box feature. At least I wasn't able to find any good documentation for the same. So, how we can implement AWS Signature Headers with Rest Assured? Signing AWS requests with Signature Version 4... This explains step by step how to create a signature and add it to an HTTP request to AWS: Below given source code ( helps to calculate signature based on given data and return the headers. Once you get headers suing aWSV4Auth.getHeaders(), you just need to add these headers in your Rest API call (Sample for the same is given below: public class AWSV4Auth {     private AWSV4Auth() {     }     public static class Builder {         private String accessKeyID;         private String secretAccessKey;         private String regionName;         private String serviceName;         private Str

What all attributes should be there in your automation solution to be called a good solution?

Your automation project should have all of these to be called a good solution : Well drafted Project Design Clear Project Structure and Documentation Defined Page Objects (For UI project) Independent Automated Unit Tests Automated End to End Tests  (Loosely coupled) Reliable Locators (For UI project) Highly effective strategies for managing test data Comprehensive Dependency Management Precise and concise logging and Reporting

Find “Cursor” position or currently focused element in a web page with Selenium

Problem Statement: On your registration page, you entered valid values in few mandatory fields but submit the form with no values in few of the mandatory fields. Now along with the error message(s), you want to verify that your cursor position is in the correct field (current focused element) like in the first blank mandatory field using Selenium. Solution : There are many ways to validate that but the simplest one would be to use:> driver.switchTo().activeElement() Use : Switches to the element that currently has focus within the document currently "switched to", or the body element if this cannot be detected. This matches the semantics of calling " document.activeElement " in JavaScript. Returns : The Web Element with focus, or the body element if no element with focus can be detected. And then you can put assertion based on your expected focused element, something like: Assert.assertTrue(driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@type='password']"

Mock GeoLocation using Selenium 4

If there is a use case where you need to override the geolocation of the browser before you hit the website, Selenium 4 Alpha version does support that now by using the power of Chrome DevTools and Protocol (CDP) along with setGeolocationOverride method present in Emulation class. To set it back to default, use the clearGeolocationOverride method. #mockGeoLocation #testAutomation #selenium4Alpha @Test private void testGeo() throws InterruptedException { driver .get( ",77.102493" ); Builder<String, Object> mapLatLan = new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object>(); mapLatLan .put( "latitude" , 40.712776); mapLatLan .put( "longitude" , -74.005974); mapLatLan .put( "accuracy" , 100); ((ChromeDriver) driver ).executeCdpCommand( "Emulation.setGeolocationOverride" , mapLatLan .build()); driver .get( ",-74.005974&q

RestAssured Vs Karate

RestAssured Vs Karate Initial Score: Rest Assured 0- Karate 0 1) RestAssured is really good but there is no built-in way to do a full equality match of a JSON payload in one step (not talking about extracting a particular field out of the response JSON). Contrary to this, Karate offers full JSON Comparison with so much ease (as shown in the first image below). And in case you have some node that shows dynamic value then you can simply ignore it by using hashtag # ignore for that node (as shown in the second image below). Note* There is no direct command to compare the whole response in RestAssured at once but we can still use JsonPath to parse the JSON file into a Map and then compare it with Hamcrest Matchers. Current Score: Rest Assured 0- Karate 1 2) Ease of using matchers: The powerful matching logic of Hamcrest is unbeatable in Rest Assured. Of course, we can use RegEx and Macros in Karate for the match but you need to learn that first. Final Score: Rest Assured 1

Test Data Strategies in test automation

Your test results are mostly as good as the test data it consumes. What should be our Test data cleanup strategy in automation? -> Should we clean up the data immediately after each and every run? OR, Should we perform the clean slate periodically? It's hard to find one strategy that can solve all our test data issues in our automation suite. So, instead of focusing on finding that silver bullet, think thoroughly about your own test requirements and see which strategy can bring in max stability in your automation suite instead of following blindly what others are doing. I know you are still not sure that which particular strategy is right for your automation suite or not? Don't rush, after a few tests run your test suite itself will let you learn by generating issues like flaky tests/intermittent failures, false positives, slowness/performance issues, etc. etc. Please go through this well-crafted article on "Test Data Strategies" by @Joe Colantonio/@P