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Showing posts from June, 2023

Git Tip 💡

> Git aliases: Making aliases for popular commands to save time in the terminal is one of the most effective ways to enhance your everyday workflow. The most used Git commands like checkout, commit, etc. can be made into aliases using the following commands: -> git config --global checkout -> git config --global alias.ct commit Now, we only need to type "git co main" rather than "git checkout main". Likewise, type "git ct main" rather than "git commit main". We can also edit directly the .gitconfig file for the same purpose: [alias]     co = checkout     ct = commit

Sensitive Data in Azure Pipelines - Azure Variable Groups (Benefits and Real-World Examples)

  Secret variables are variables that are encrypted and can be used in pipelines without having their value revealed. You can use secret variables to store confidential information like passwords, identification numbers, and other identifying information that you wouldn't want to be exposed in a pipeline. Secret variables are accessible to tasks and scripts on the agent and are encrypted at rest with a 2048-bit RSA key. Secret variables specified in a pipeline's pipeline settings UI are only applicable to that pipeline. To share confidential variables between pipelines, utilize variable groups. What are Azure Variable Groups? Key-value pairs, or variables, can be used in many pipelines and stages of an Azure DevOps project and are managed centrally by Azure Variable Groups. These variables can be used to store configuration values that may change depending on the environment (such as development, staging, or production), as well as private data like connection strings or