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What is the Pyramid of Test Automation?

  The Test Automation Pyramid is a framework and guiding principle, for organizing and structuring software testing efforts in terms of automation. It visually represents the types of tests that should be included in a test suite with the detailed tests at the bottom and broader tests at the top. According to the Test Automation Pyramid, a successful approach to test automation should be built upon three layers or levels of tests each serving a purpose and providing feedback; Unit Tests: These are the most detailed types of tests and should be automated for each individual section of code in the application. They are quick to execute and focus on testing units. Typically created and executed by developers, they aim to identify defects in the development process. Unit tests provide feedback. Help ensure that individual code units function correctly. Service Tests : These tests primarily focus on interactions and integration between various components or services within your application.

Git Tip 💡

> Git aliases: Making aliases for popular commands to save time in the terminal is one of the most effective ways to enhance your everyday workflow. The most used Git commands like checkout, commit, etc. can be made into aliases using the following commands: -> git config --global checkout -> git config --global alias.ct commit Now, we only need to type "git co main" rather than "git checkout main". Likewise, type "git ct main" rather than "git commit main". We can also edit directly the .gitconfig file for the same purpose: [alias]     co = checkout     ct = commit

Sensitive Data in Azure Pipelines - Azure Variable Groups (Benefits and Real-World Examples)

  Secret variables are variables that are encrypted and can be used in pipelines without having their value revealed. You can use secret variables to store confidential information like passwords, identification numbers, and other identifying information that you wouldn't want to be exposed in a pipeline. Secret variables are accessible to tasks and scripts on the agent and are encrypted at rest with a 2048-bit RSA key. Secret variables specified in a pipeline's pipeline settings UI are only applicable to that pipeline. To share confidential variables between pipelines, utilize variable groups. What are Azure Variable Groups? Key-value pairs, or variables, can be used in many pipelines and stages of an Azure DevOps project and are managed centrally by Azure Variable Groups. These variables can be used to store configuration values that may change depending on the environment (such as development, staging, or production), as well as private data like connection strings or

How to pass a variable value between Azure Pipeline jobs (within the same stage)?

Since the jobs operate in different namespaces, passing variable values between them is unlike passing a variable value from one function to another. In the example below, $app_Token is the variable name that needs to be sent from one job to another job but within the same stage. This issue can be resolved by dynamically storing the variable in the variable library and retrieving its value from there. The task.setvariable command, which is illustrated below, is required to store variables using PowerShell in the Azure Pipeline library. Full example:  # Maven # Build your Java project and run tests with Apache Maven. # Add steps that analyze code, save build artifacts, deploy, and more: # trigger: - master stages: - stage: VariableUpdateAutomation jobs: - job: Set_AppTokenValue pool: vmImage: ubuntu-latest steps: - task: PowerShell@2 name: Set_AppTokenValue input

Top Five Trends in Software Testing

Software testing is a crucial step in the #SDLC and is necessary to produce high-quality goods.  Have examined the top five software testing trends that will become more popular in the future - read here:

single-branch parameter in the git clone

Despite having a small amount of storage on your local, do you need to do a task in a specific branch of git? Or, for a variety of reasons, you might only wish to clone a certain branch's files? Git, fortunately, allows the flexibility to accomplish this with single-branch parameter. What is the single-branch parameter in the git clone? It allows you to only fetch files from the specified branch and only tracks that branch without fetching other branches. git clone -b <branchname> — single-branch <remote-repo-url> Or git clone — branch <branchname> — single-branch <remote-repo-url>