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Implementing Open AI in Software Testing: Creating a Text Generation Model for Test Case Creation

 Software testing can be revolutionized by using Artificial Intelligence (AI), which can significantly increase efficacy and efficiency. Our use case focuses on software application test case generation. The manual and labor-intensive procedure can be greatly reduced by using a Text Generation Model to automatically create test scenarios based on requirements or user stories. This article creates a Text Generation Model using OpenAI's text generation model, namely GPT-3.5-turbo.


Steps to Build the Model and Web App:


Ø Go through this:

Ø Install Python and other dependencies like streamlit, openAI, etc. on your machine using the PIP package installer if you are planning to run it on your local.

Ø Create an Open API account, and generate API key using (Note* You receive free $5 when signing up using your mobile phone, which is sufficient for you to play with.)

Step 1: Create a GitHub Account and Create a New Repository

1.     Go to GitHub’s website.

2.    Click on the “Sign up” button in the top-right corner. Provide valid details to sign-up.

3.    Once logged in, click on the “+” icon in the top-right corner and select “New repository.”

4.    Give your repository a name, such as “test-case-generator

5.    Choose if you want your repository to be public or private.

6.    Initialize the repository with a README file.

7.     Click “Create repository.”


Step 2: Add Files to Your Repository

1.     In your repository, click on “Add file” and select “Create new file.”

2.    Create a file named—this will be your main Python file for the Streamlit app.

3.    Write your Streamlit code into

4.    Create another file named requirements.txt. This file should list all Python libraries that your app depends on, including streamlit and openai.

5.    Commit the new files by clicking “Commit new file.”

Here is

import streamlit as st

import openai

import os


# Retrieve the API key from the environment variable



# Initialize the OpenAI client with the API key

openai.api_key = OPENAI_API_KEY


# Define the function to generate test cases

def generate_test_cases(requirement):

    response =



            {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant capable of generating software test cases."},

            {"role": "user", "content": requirement}



    return response.choices[0].message.content


# Streamlit app layout

st.title('AI-powered Test Case Generator by: Dheeraj Gambhir')

st.subheader("Have fun using this...")

st.write('Enter your software requirement(s) to generate test cases.')


# Text area for user to enter the software requirement

requirement = st.text_area("Requirement", height=150)


# Button to generate test cases

if st.button('Generate Test Cases'):

    if requirement:

        with st.spinner('Generating...'):


                test_cases = generate_test_cases(requirement)

                st.success('Generated Test Cases')


            except Exception as e:

                st.error('An error occurred while generating test cases.')



        st.error('Please enter a requirement to generate test cases.')


st.write('Note* Kindly review these test cases and add/update based on your project specific requirements.')

Here is requirements.txt:



Step 3: Add Your API Key as a Secret

1.     Go to your GitHub repository’s Settings tab.

2.    Find the “Secrets” section in the left sidebar and click on “Actions.”

3.    Click on “New repository secret.”

4.    Name your secret (e.g., OPENAI_API_KEY) and paste your OpenAI API key as the value. Note* This is the key that you created from

5.    Click “Add secret” to save it.

Step 4: Create a Account

Visit and click on “Connect GitHub account” to sign up and link your Streamlit account with GitHub.


Step 5: Deploy Your Streamlit App

1.     Once logged into Streamlit, click on “New app.”

2.    Select the GitHub repository you created earlier.

3.    Choose the branch where your files are located.

4.    Write in the "Main file path" field.

5.    In the “Advanced settings,” input your secret key (OPENAI_API_KEY) into the "Environment variables" section. P.S.: Ensure that you add the correct API Key. OpenAI API key usually starts with "sk-".

6.    Click “Deploy” to deploy your app. Streamlit will automatically install the dependencies listed in your requirements.txt file and deploy your app.

You are all set:





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